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Couplers? We don't need no stinking couplers.

posted Sep 11, 2014, 9:40 AM by Randy Hammill

Yes, we just found out that the run of 1937 AAR Box Cars that just shipped from the factory were assembled WITHOUT COUPLERS!?!?!

The joys of being a manufacturer.

So if these were our old couplers, you probably would have removed them anyway, and replaced them with Kadee's. Except we already did. We thought.

Yep. We bought the Kadee couplers and they are supposed to be on these cars. Apparently they're still in China.

So if you need a set of couplers, we'll be happy to send out a pair of genuine Kadee's, gratis.

If you can manage without, that would be great. We are few, you are many (plus shipping).

The usual address - modeltrains [at] www.truelinetrains.ca