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posted Feb 10, 2016, 9:42 AM by Randy Hammill

Pointe St Charles Caboose

So the Year of the Monkey officially started February 8th (Happy New Year!). While the factory had given us assurances that the PSC Cabooses would ship before the Chinese New Year, once we (and you) had a chance to take a closer look at the pre-production model that we received, there were a few things that we just weren't happy with.

For example, the lettering on the sample was not right, it was missing white handrails and the side sill was not painted black. All of these are relatively easy to fix, but these fixes alone impact 7 different schemes, if I recall.

In addition, since we only received one sample, we are requesting that they don't run any other scheme until we can at least have photos of a sample shell. Ideally we'll get physical samples, but that would also delay things a bit more.

It will be a couple of weeks due to the Chinese Holiday before we have an update. We know you've waited a long time for these, but we think that you'd rather wait just a little while longer so we can make sure they are correct.

Klasing Handbrakes

Yes, it's true. We sold out. Again, we have to wait until after the holiday to make more. We'll let you know when they are back in stock.

Next Models
The SW1200RS and wood and transfer cabooses are still on track. Delivery dates are unknown at this point, and will remain that way until the PSC cabooses ship, at the very least.

The other models that we are working (feverishly) to ship this year are the plow, the NYC/Rutland Standard Caboose, and the first variation of the Fowler box and stock cars.

We'll have updated (correct) drawings for the NYC/Rutland Standard caboose up in the near future. The current ones are simple mock-ups and have a lot of dimensional errors. The working plans are very accurate, and the Historical Societies are extremely pleased with how they look.

Please Help

If you see something that you think/know is a mistake, let us know. If you hop off to some other site or forum to complain about it there, we might not know about it. We collaborate with great folks that are among the most knowledgeable in the hobby, but that doesn't mean that we (or they) know everything. New photos, original plans, or new photos that prove the original plans are wrong, crop up again and again. So if you think you know something we don't, let us know.

Remember it's just the two of us. (Ha! Now I've got that song stuck in your head). And we thank everybody for their support. It's much appreciated.
